Disney Fairies & Pixie Hollow Logo
During my tenure with the Disney Fairies franchise, I was asked to design a new Disney Fairies logo to replace the old green oval logo. I couldn't turn down the opportunity. During this process, we also decided to redesign the lettering for Pixie Hollow to better fit the updated Disney Fairies logo.
My Role: Lettering Design, Illustration/Render, Art Direction
Leaf background by Vickie Pellouchoud.

Disney Fairies Fashion Boutique
In early 2012, a few members of our team began work on a Disney Fairies App. With only a team of 5, Fashion Boutique was launched in August 2012.
Role: UX, UI Design, and Direction
Working in collaboration with a Game Designer, I developed a high-level user flow that would highlight how users navigate through the game.

Next step was to create the wireframes based on the user flow, highlighting fairy creator, player progression, and UI for the core gameplay.

After internal reviews/approvals of wireframes and user flow, I created full-color mockups to establish the overall look-and-feel of the product, working in collaboration with Kathleen Donaldson (illustrator) and Dominick Domingo (background painter).

Registration and Account Manager
For Pixie Hollow MMO, we wanted to simplify the registration process and implement a Global Account Manager for all Disney MMO products, which at the time included ToonTown, Pirates Online, and Club Penguin.
My Role: UX, UI Design, and Direction

Part of the project also included overhauling the Account Management System to support users who subscribed to multiple MMO products, allowing users and parents to manage all their subscriptions in one place.